Here are some of our more frequently asked questions.  Most, if not all of them will be discussed at our initial meeting, but if you have a question that we haven't answered please feel free to contact us and we'll be happy to talk with you!


1. What is your background in working with children?

I have my degree in Early Childhood Education and have been working with children for more than 20 years.  Before starting my home daycare, I worked as a preschool teacher for 4 years.  I also have three of my own children.

2 Are you licensed?

I'm small-group, license exempt; however, I follow all of the rules and guidelines for the state of Pennsylvania.

3.  Are you CPR/First Aid certified?

Yes, I am.  I'm certified for both children and infants.

4.  Do you have children of your own?

I do!  I have a daughter who was born in 2010, and two sons born in 2013 and 2016.  :-)

5.  Do you have any pets?

I have a 10 year old Jack Russell mix named Leela.  She's amazing with the kids.

6.  Do you smoke?

I don't smoke, and neither does my husband.

7. Can you provide references?

Absolutely! I'm happy to provide references upon request.  

Rates, Services, & Payment

1.  Do you have separate rates for full-time and part-time care?

Yes, I do.  I base each family's rate on the days and hours for which they need care, then each family gets their weekly contracted fee.

2.  Do you require a deposit?

I don't ask for a deposit, but I do charge a one time Sign-Up fee for all new families in the amount of two weeks' pay.  This fee includes your first week's payment and ensures your child's spot in my daycare/preschool program.  This fee is also used toward the purchase and replenishment of items that your child will need and be using each day. 

3.  Do I pay weekly, biweekly, or monthly?

Each family pays weekly, in advance.  Fees are due up front, and everyone pays each Friday for the following week.  If you have special circumstances (ie; it's easier for you to pay biweekly, you'd rather pay on a different day, etc.) I'll be happy to discuss it and we can come to a solution that works for both of us.

4.  What happens if I pay late?

If you don't pay on time, late fees go into effect.  Payment is due no later than 6pm on the evening of the agreed upon day.  If your payment is not received that day, a $10 per day late fee will begin to accrue for each day until payment is received (this includes weekends).  If fees are not paid in full by the following Monday, I will not accept your child into my care.

5.  How should I pay?

I accept cash and venmo payments.

6.  Do I have to pay even if my child doesn't come to daycare?

Yes.  Each family pays for a daycare SPOT, not for the day.  If you keep your child home for any reason on a regularly scheduled daycare day, your regular weekly fees still apply. If daycare is closed by the provider on a date that is not listed as "paid" (ie; federal holidays, etc) you are not expected to pay for that day.

7.  Will I get a tax break for childcare?

You sure will!  I have an EIN number so that you can claim daycare at tax time and get that tax break.  I give each family a yearly receipt listing my EIN number and the amount you've paid in daycare fees throughout the year.  It's as simple as that!

Daycare Policies

1.  What is your policy on picking up late?

As a parent, I can understand being late once in awhile.  However, I value my time with my family, and ask that this time be respected.  If you are unable to pick up at your regularly scheduled time, you MUST have a reliable back-up person who can pick up your child from daycare on time.  If your child is not picked up at his/her scheduled time, a late fee of $10 for the first 15 minutes past your scheduled time and then $1 per minute after that will immediately go into effect.  Repeated late pick ups may result in immediate termination of care.

2.  Do you allow early drop-offs?

I occasionally allow early drop-offs.  All drop-offs before your scheduled time MUST be approved by me at least 24 hours in advance. If your early drop-off has not been approved in advance, you may be charged an extra fee of $10 for every part of 15 minutes before your regularly scheduled time your child is dropped off.

3.  Do you have a trial period?

I have a 1-2 week trial period.  During this time, either the parent(s) or myself may terminate our contract at any time if either of us feel that this just isn't the right fit for you and/or your child.  In the event of termination before the two week trial period is over, the contract and all subsequent forms immediately become null and void.  No fees or payments previously made will be refunded.

4.  What is your policy on discipline?

I do not and will not ever use any form of physical discipline with a child.  I use praise, redirection, and the occasional stern "No".  If the situation warrants it and I feel like the child needs to be removed from the situation, he/she will be given a "timeout" in an area separate from the group for no more than one minute per year of age.  Repeated discipline issues will be brought to the parent(s) attention.  If discipline issues are not resolved, care may be immediately terminated.

5.  Do you administer medication?

If needed, I will administer medication with a signed note from a doctor.  All medication MUST be in the original labeled container(s).

6.  Will you care for children with disabilities?

I have experience working with children with both mental and physical disabilities, as well as with children who have emotional/behavioral issues. As long as the child's disabilities do not interfere with the level of care that I'm able to provide for the group, and as long as everyone is on the same page as far as treatment and care, then I will happily care for a child with special needs or disabilities.

7.  What is the procedure if my child becomes ill while in daycare?

If a child becomes sick while he/she is in my care and/or is unable to participate in normal daycare activities, I make him or her as comfortable as possible.  I then notify a parent, and the child must be picked up within one hour.

If a child is sent home with a fever, vomiting, diarrhea, unexplained rash, etc., he/she is required to stay home the next day and MUST be symptom-free for a full 24 hours without the aid of medication before he or she may return to daycare. In some cases, a signed doctor's note may be required before the child can return.

8.  What happens if you, the provider, are sick?

I very, very rarely close due to illness.  In the event that I (or one of my children) am contagious or ill enough that I'm unable to provide quality care for the children, I do everything I can to provide a back-up provider so that no family is inconvenienced.  If I am unable to find a back-up and have to close for the day, I do not charge for that day and payment will be credited to you the following week. 

9.  What happens in the event of an evacuation?

Luckily, we have never had to evacuate.  However, in the event of an evacuation for any reason, I will take the children to Our Lady Of Mount Carmel Church at 502 Ford Street.  It is just up the street from my house, in walking distance.  Once we are safely at our evacuation point, I will contact each family.

 Day To Day Issues & Occurrences 

1.  What do I need to supply for my child?

You'll need to supply diapers or pull-ups (if your child wears them), any formula or breast milk that your child will need, a bottle or sippy cup, lunch and a change of clothes (please include a bathing suit in the summer). Wipes, eating utensils, cups and plates, pack & plays and blankets for sleeping, as well as any other equipment the children use will be supplied by the provider.

2.  Do you work on potty training with the children?

I work on potty training with children ages 2 years and up, provided they are both physically and mentally ready.  I ask that the child be brought to daycare wearing pull-ups (no diapers) and clothes with easy access (ie; no buttons, belts, onesies or suspenders).  Accidents can and will happen frequently when potty training, so each child must have at least two full changes of clothes during the potty training process.  Please note that, regardless of age or where the child is in the potty training process, he/she must wear pull-ups during nap time until they are fully "night trained".

3.  Do the children nap while at daycare?

Each child is required to have a rest period daily.  Our nap/quiet time is from 12:45-3:00pm daily.  I never force a child to nap (most will fall asleep on their own) but they all must stay quiet (with a quiet movie, activity, etc.) during our rest period, so as not to disturb the children who are sleeping.

4.  Can I bring my child to daycare if he or she is sick?

If your child has a common cold (CLEAR nasal discharge), he or she may come to daycare.

If your child has a fever of 100 degrees or higher, he or she MUST stay home--this is for the health of the other children in my care, as well as for the child who is sick.  In addition, children with a rash, communicable disease, or with vomiting/diarrhea must also stay at home.  Once the child has been symptom-free and no longer contagious for 24 hours without the aid of medication then he/she may return to daycare. Please see your Policy Handbook for more information on our illness policy.

5.  How do you feel about cloth diapering?

I use disposables for my own children, but am not at all opposed to cloth diapering a child.  I do ask that parents provide a wet bag for all used diapers.

6.  What kinds of activities do you do with the children?

I tailor my program so that even the smallest child can participate in daily activities. 

We do a circle time each day.  This is normally a few minutes of going over the calendar (month, day, year), talking about our plans for the day, working on our letter, number and color of the day, singing a song or two, and reading a few books. 

We do some form of art activity or fine motor activity daily.  This can be something as simple as coloring with crayons, fingerpainting, or creating things with playdoh...just getting the kids involved and experiencing art in different mediums is good for them.  We often do more in-depth and complex art activities, as well...and the kids LOVE showing off their creations each day.

We do manipulative activities daily, as well.  This includes playing with playdoh, building with blocks, putting puzzles together, etc.

As long as weather allows it, we go outside daily. We do lots of indoor play, too!  Singing, dancing and role-playing are key parts of our day. Free play provides so many opportunities for exploration, creativity, and learning at this age.  Sharing, conflict resolution, independence, and social skills are just a few of the many benefits of free play in childcare.

Each day brings something fun and new for us, but I have "planned" events, too!  Every Thursday is Pizza & Pajama Day, where the kids wear their favorite jammies and I provide a pizza lunch for them.  It's one day out of the week where you, as a parent, get a break from packing lunches and worrying about getting the kids dressed.

In the summer, we do water play 1-2 days a week.  The kids come in their bathing suits, and we spend the morning outside with sprinklers, water balloons, and kiddie pools.  The kids love it, and we all look forward to water play days!

We'll be doing a picnic lunch outside one day a week in the summer, as well.

7.  Do you do any type of learning activities/teaching with the children?

Absolutely!  Any moment can turn into a teachable moment.  Children learn through play and exploration, and I make sure to allow them the freedom and encouragement to explore their environment and to learn about the world in a fun and exciting way.  I also teach letters, numbers, shapes, and colors during daily circle time and through reading books and pointing them out in our everyday environment.  

8.  Can my child bring toys from home?

As long as your child is willing to share his/her toy with the group, then he/she can bring a toy from home. In fact, I encourage the children (especially the younger ones) to bring a comfort item from home, whether it be a stuffed animal, blanket or "lovey".  This helps make the transition to daycare easier on everyone and provides a certain level of comfort and security for the child.

9.  Do you take the children on field trips?

Occasionally, I do take the children on a field trip (provided I have permission to transport from all parents).  Most often we go to the farm, the library, or the park.  I always take at least one other adult with me when I take the children on trips, and each family must sign a permission slip before their child(ren) are allowed on the trip.  When traveling by car, all children are buckled into appropriate car seats and booster seats. Parents are notified of exactly where we are going and when we plan to be back.  

Holidays, Vacations, & Other Closures

1.  What holidays are you closed?

I am closed with pay on:

  • New Year's Eve
  • New Year's Day
  • Good Friday (Friday before Easter)
  • Memorial Day 
  • Independence Day 

  • First & Last day of school (dates TBD)
  • Labor Day
  • Thanksgiving and the day after
  • Christmas Eve
  • Christmas and the day after

*Beginning in June 2023, daycare will be closed on Fridays during the summer months.  These dates will be given to all families in advance.* 

2.  Do I still have to pay if you are closed for a holiday?

Yes.  The holidays that I am closed are paid holidays, just like those of someone working outside of the home.  If the holiday falls on a normal daycare day, all regular weekly fees still apply.

3.  How do you handle vacations?

I take a one week unpaid vacation during the summer.  This is typically in July and the date will be given to all families months in advance.  

When you take a vacation, half of your regular weekly fees are due.  Only full-time families may take advantage of the half rate for vacations and I require a minimum 2 week notice. All families are entitled to one vacation (5 consecutive days) at half rate.  After that, regular weekly fees apply.

4.  How do you handle sick days?

If I close due to illness (which happens very rarely), I do my best to get a back-up provider so that no one is inconvenienced.  In the event that I am unable to find a back-up and have to close for the day, you will not be charged for the day, and will instead be credited in your next payment. All families will be notified of a closure due to provider illness by 6am the morning of.

If your child does not attend daycare due to illness your regular weekly fees still apply.

5.  Do you close for bad weather?

I'm do my best to remain open during bad weather.  If you can get your child safely to and from daycare, then I am open.  If you choose to keep your child home during inclement weather, your regular weekly fees still apply. 

In the even of "freak" weather (blizzards, tornadoes, ice storms, etc.), daycare will be closed. If your child(ren) are in my care I will call you to come and pick them up.  Regular weekly fees still apply.